A Little Closer to Heaven

A Little Closer to Heaven

As I walked around the tight and winding path and looked up, I wondered if I had done the right thing deciding to climb this mountain at my age.  I was already tired and I was only halfway up.  Tablerock Mountain was looking higher with every step I took.  My husband, who was half mountain goat, was having no problem at all, which made me even more determined to conquer this climb.  All of a sudden as I took a step up, the rock I stepped on gave way under me, and I started to fall backwards.  My husband grabbed me just as I slipped and saved me from sudden death.  He was certainly my hero for the day!  

About an hour later, we finally made it to the top of Tablerock Mountain in Tablerock State Park near Morganton, North Carolina.  It was certainly well worth the climb.  I could see for miles and miles in every direction.  In one direction was Lake James which looked small but beautiful.  In another direction I saw Hickory and the city lights there sparkled like diamonds.  I felt like I was very close to Heaven and all it's glory.  I could even sense what heaven must feel like while I sat there in awe.

 Time stood still while we were up there and I didn't want the clock to start ticking again.  We were so close to nature and it was so quite that it was a little like paradise.  We haven't been back to Tablerock Mountain since that day, but I will never forget being that close to Heaven in my mind, body, and soul.  If only I had an easel and paint, then I could have definitely painted a gorgeous picture even though an artist I am not.  

The clock started again and we eventually had to walk back down of course, which was a lot easier than climbing up.  My emotions surprised me because I felt both sad and exhilarated at the same time as I drove off.    When we got home I felt a stronger bond to my husband, a little closer to heaven,  and excited to just be alive.

by C Leigh Cook


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